New starters contract

I’m starting a new org from scratch, looking for inclusive/radical contracts that cover the basics, leave room for growth, collab and aren’t too unwieldy for a small 4 +freelance creative org.


Hi Jazlyn! Good question! I’ve reached out to another small creative org that I know who were doing quite a bit of work on this for themselves last year. Hopefully can get them on here sharing what they’ve done, but obvs great if anyone already here in the community has any good examples!

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Thanks Liam, really appreciate that! Course will share any docs we make back within this group.

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This sounds great - good luck!

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Hi, Did you create this? I am working on one of these at the moment and it’s interesting how challenging some people are finding the idea of changing contractual language to words people understand. I’m really interested in where you got to on this.
Thanks, R

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Also keen to hear if this has developed! And am reminded of the brilliant contract that Spectra Arts CIC have uploaded recently, in case it’s a useful reference point, @Melk or @rachelheilbron : Employment contract template | RadHR Policy Library

We’re working on a freelancers contract at RadHR at the moment and are trying to do a better version of it, but also struggling with how much legalese you can get away with cutting before a contract is not legally-sound anymore… will report back!

As mentioned before, we have worked on improving our freelancers’ contract a fair bit (in terms of language, worker rights and ease of use), in case this is still useful here: Associates/Freelance Contract Agreement | RadHR Policy Library