How to write a radical holiday policy


We all need time off work, for ourselves and our organisations. What does the law say? How do we write a policy that reflects different people's needs?

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Wondering if anyone is aware of any holiday policies that let staff/members take as much leave as they want to (as is the case in a bunch of big corporate tech firms), but which don’t have an unspoken expectation for everyone to work more than they would in a job with standard annual leave entitlement?

In theory, letting people decide how much leave they need for themselves is a way to meet the needs of a range of workers with a range of different life circumstances, but too often, the practice seems to be that people just work more hours.

Keen to hear anything that suggests an alternative to this, and if there is anything that exists in the policy to support it, or if it’s that wider ambiguous question of ‘group culture’ that has enabled it to buck the trend.