Competency levels for affiliates

Does anyone have (or know of a good example) of a competency framework they use for affiliates or partners - to help assess grades and levels (perhaps related to pay but doesn’t have to)? Thinking how you can look at different credits and elements - would love to see one if anyone has one - thanks

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Hi Anna

Thanks so much for posting! Wondering if it would be possible to give a little more context about what you’re looking for - to help the community give you answers that are useful for you? (sorry, this is probably just based on my own ignorance about competency frameworks)

Kiran (RadHR team)

Thanks Kiran, happy to.

In order to work with affalliates or partners we might have a list of different skills we need - such as facilitating a programme or partnership development - or project management - as well as different levels of experience - e.g. emergent, or highly experienced - all of which might determine a different grade/pay scale that you might be looking for.

So instead of just advertising a job - you might have more of a matrix so you know when and how to bring in different people - to give greater flexibility, adaptability to different people and transparency.

Hope that helps - I guess it also helps me start to articulate it!

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I don’t have any I’m able to share here, but in the past I’ve ‘presented myself’ as a prospective associate to other bodies, and they’ve used an on-line form that had these types of prompts:

  • general introduction
  • qualifications and certificates
  • check-box list of skills, abilities, knowledge (against which you scored yourself as competent or expert)
  • and then crucially it asked for a brief case study of a client project I’d done to illustrate that skill/etc being at that level

Having worked as projects manager myself in the past, these sorts of grids are a really useful way of having transparency when inviting different associates to be involved in different pieces of work, but it’s also important to get people to regularly refresh them as well, recognising that our experiences and skills (should) change over time.